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Semtex is zwanger van de prachtige Origin! Puppies verwacht rond 21 april! Alleen rode puppies verwacht! Voor meer info contact ons prive
op 15 April is Nirvana bevallen van 7 prachtige kittens, 5 katertjes en 2 poesjes.
Op 19 April is Silhouette bevallen van 7 kittens!, 5 katertjes (4 snow 1 bruin) en 2 poesjes (1 snow en 1 bruin)
We hebben enkele kittens beschikbaar! foto’s volgen snel!

It is time for some special attention to Lager v. Moned and his owner Daniela Galleguillos Michell! Last month they passed there IPG 1 exam with a 1th place! Last week another competition and another 1th place and with a 94/100 for the defence part! To achieve that with a long coat, and specialy with a pretty one is very impressive! HUGE congrats and a even bigger thank you to Daniela for taking such good care of ”our” little boy and to let him do what he likes best!
Vorige maand heeft Lager van Moned de titel IPG 1 behaald met een hele nette 1e plaats van 11 combinaties!. Vorig weekend heeft hij nogmaals een competitie gelopen en is hij weer 1e geworden! Super gefeliciteerd aan zijn eigenaar en trainen Daniela met dit hele knappe resultaat!

Gordy v. Moned is already a youth and Tjech champion. This weekend he also reseved the title of Champion of Poland! Congrats to his owners!
Gordy v. Moned is al Jeught en Tjechisch kampioen maar dit weekend op de Poolse speciale heeft hij ook zijn laatste punten voor Pools kampioen behaald. Gefeliciteerd voor zijn eigenaren!
Journey has been to his first show and went Reserve best puppy in show in Sweden. Congrats to his owners!

Journey is naar zijn 1e show geweest en wist een knappe Reserve beste puppy in show te behalven. Gefelicteerd aan zijn eigenaren in Sweden!
Irixs has been to his first show in Finland and was Reserve best puppy in show (40 enteries) congrats to his owners!+

Irixs heeft zijn 1e show in Finland gelopen en een hele knappe Reserve beste pup binnengesleept!

Eind november zijn we met Foetsie v. Moned en Casyka’s WhatsApp naar de Winner show in Leeuwarden geweest om te proberen te qualifiseren voor Crufts, tot onze groote blijdschap qualifiseerde zowel Foetsie door Beste teef te worden en WhatsApp door beste reu en beste van het ras te worden! Keurmeester Judge Tom Roozen.
Midden December was weer de laatste show van het jaar. De Advent Treffe in Duitsland was weer een groot succes! Idee werd Beste pup in show!, Foetsie werd weer Beste Teef, WhatsApp Beste reu, beste van het ras en uiteindelijk best in show! 62 honden waren er ingeschreven. De keurmeester was Arlinde Sep
At the end of November we brought Foetsie v. Moned and Casyka’s WhatsApp to the Winner show in Leeuwarden to try to qualify for Crufst. We were very happy when both Foetsie with best female and WhatsApp with best male and best of breed both qualified! Judge of the day was Tom Roozen.
In the middle of December we went to the last show of the year, this time to Germany to the Advent Treffe specialty. We brought 3 dogs, Idee v. Moned won Best puppy in show, Foetsie v. Moned best female and Casyka’s WhatsApp Best male, Best of breed and at the end Best in show! 62 dogs were entered and the judge of the day was Arlinde Sep

Semtex v. Moned was shown a little this summer:
End of May Dutch Specialty 1Ex, Best female. Judge Amanda McLaren
End of May Italian Specialty 1Ex, Best female, Best of Breed. Judge Jean Louis vandenBemden
Last Weekend Belgium Specialty 1 Ex, Best female. Judge Amanda Mclaren
and September German Specialty 1Ex , Best Female, Best of breed Judge Tom Roozen

De puppies van WhatsApp en Semtex zijn geboren! klik hier voor meer info
The puppies of WhatsApp and Semtex are born, click here for more info

Edit is bevallen op 16-07-2023, 3 reutjes en 4 teefjes (Nog 1 teefje beschikbaar) meer info kijk bij puppies
Edit has delivered her babies on 16-07-2023, 3 males and 4 females (1 female available) more info look at puppies

The legend, my legend is no more.. friday morning he was not his normal self, quiet, drooling a bit, and his belly was bigger than normal. I decided to take him with me to my work to keep a eye on him and to make x-ray, my worsed nightmare got true, on the xray a torsian of the stomach was visable, we rushed him into surgery and fought for his life for hours but it was not enough, 2 hours after the surgery he passed way. Rodin was a amazing dog, a dog who was my perfect package. All the people who knew him knew how special he was, how special he was to me. The hole is my heart is already so big but he made it even bigger. It is still hard to believe he is not with me anymore
