Indians- Nest/litter
(Huppe du Hameau Saint
Blaise x Australaeken Ally)
Geboren/Born: 27-05-2011
Males/Reuen: Apache, Mohawk & Osage
Females/Teven: Brulee, Iowa, Shawnee, Sioux & Spokane
Apache v. Moned ”Bram”
Health/Gezondheid: Testicles OK, Compleet scissors bite. Neutered
Mohawk v. Moned ”Mohawk”
Owner/Eigenaar: Fam. Coppejans ”Belgium”
Health/Gezondheid: Testicles OK
Osage v. Moned ”Osage”
Owner/Eigenaar: Fam. Broukx ”From Laeken Paradise ”Belgium”
Health/Gezondheid: Testicles OK. Teeth: Compleet scissors, HD-B1, ED 2/3. Dead of unknown reason in 2015
Show: Luxembourg Champion
Other/Overige: VZH, Agility level 2
Brulee v. Moned ”Lady”
Owner/Eigenaar: ”NL’
Health/Gezondheid: Teeth: Compleet scissors
Iowa v. Moned ”Chip”
Owner/Eigenaar: Christine Bouchat d’Eroudur Laekenois ”Belgium”
Health/Gezondheid: Teeth: Compleet scissors bite, HD-C/A, As a 10 day old puppy badly injured one of her hind legs
The vet thinks the bad hip result on one side is caused by the injury (same leg had the injury, now big scar & hip C) click here for the baby picture, click here for the hip picture.
Show: RCAC Belgium specialty
Shawnee v. Moned ”Bo”
Owner/Eigenaar: Fam. Manten ”NL”
Health/Gezondheid: Teeth: Compleet scissors. Passed away in 2020 of Lung cancer
Sioux v. Moned ”Sioux”
Owner/Eigenaar: v. Moned ”NL”
Health/Gezondheid: Teeth: Compleet scissors, HD-A, ED0/0, Eyes clear & Heart clear
Show: sr. CAC 2x Dutch specialty. BOB Albreed show, BISS german specialty, BOB Dutch specialty. Dutch & German Champion!
Other/Overige: SCAU + Tan Passed
Spokane v. Moned ”Beau”
Owner/Eigenaar: Atie & Lo ”NL”
Health/Gezondheid: Teeth: Compleet scissors
Other/Overige: Spayed